MySnack Brand Guidlines

About the brand

Sa oled avanud MySnack kaubamärgi käsiraamatu. MySnack logo on vaid väike osa meie olemusest. Kaubamärgi olemus koosneb visuaalsetest elementidest, kommunikatsioonist ja ühiselt kokku lepitud reeglitest, mis toovad  MySnack brändi esile ja panevad kasvama.

Siit lehelt leiad juhised, kuidas MySnack identiteeti kasutada, et see oleks järepidev, ühtlane ja tooks esile meie väärtused, mille nimelt seda kõike teeme.

If you have questions, don’t improvise, ask for help:


Our mission is to change peoples nutrition healthier. Don’t eat crap!
Keskmine hinnatase=kvaliteetne ja toitaineterikas vahepala.


Our vision is to diversify Eesti (ja Põhjamaade) snack culture in Estonia (Northern countries) by providing healthy, tasty and nutritious snacks.

Toiduga terveks!

Source of fiber
100% maitsev
100% maitsev

Tone of voice and target groups

Kaubamärgi kuvand ja iseloom mängib olulist rolli selles, millisena soovime inimeste teadvuses esile tulla. Läbi loodud kuvandi hinnatakse meie tegevusi.

Tugeva kuvandi loomisel on eluliselt oluline selle järjepidevus ning terviklikkus kõiges, mida teeme – turundusgevustes, suhtluses klientide, äripartnerite, ajakirjaduses, MySnack meeskonnas.

Me soovime, et kliendid näeksid meid:

  • sõbraliku professionaalina, kes on
  • pühendunud ja
  • usaldusväärne kõiges, mida teeme või ütleme.

MySnack turunduskommunikatsioon kõnetab kõiki sihtrühme, kuid samas jääme truuks brändi olemusele ja identiteedile.

MySnack main target groups:

  • Kooliõpilased: põhikool, keskkool, ülikool
  • Tööinimesed: vahetusega töötajad (nt autojuhid) ja kontoriinimesed
  • Tööandjad (snäkimasinad, hulgimüük)
  • Noorpere (värsked emad)
  • Harrastussportlased

How we speak

We are kind and warm:

“You are always welcome”

We know what we talk about

“We can help you”

We let people to make a desision themselves

“Please, come and try, you might like it”

How we don’t speak

We are not official:

“We expect to meet you in our office”

We are not arrogant:

“We know better what you need”

We don’t agitate:

“Buy it – you’ll love it”


Smart snacks for busy people!

Usage of the logo

The MySnack logo has its safe zone, that we kindly ask to respect.

Don’t over use logo or its elements and slogan on the same design. Remember – less is more.


stretch the logo


change main colors other than shown in CVI


tear, cut or move around different parts of the logo


mix main logo with other colors that are not shown in CVI


MySnack main color is GREEN SPRING.


RGB 0:183:55
CMYK 100:0:70:28


RGB 47:92:0
CMYK 100:0:70:28

On our marketing materials we also use secondary colors to express brands nature.

lime color


RGB 179:222:108
CMYK 19:0:51:13


RGB 173:219:196
CMYK 21:0:11:14


RGB 255:202:0
CMYK 0:21:100:0

apricot cream color


RGB 237:207:167
CMYK 0:13:30:7


MySnack typography reflect simultaneously both playfulness and excitement as pure and minimalistic style. Contrasted strong title, the content texts are soft and modern. Balance for the playful colors and detailed packaging the usage of fonts are rather minimalistic and confidence building.

Italic is only used to mark comments of foreign words. Bold is used to bring forward very important or specific part of the text.

Arial is used in documents, e-mails and other official materials.

Titels (Knight Brush)

Primary bodytexts (Cocogoose Pro Light)

Quotes / scripts (Knight Brush)

Secondary bodytexts / subtexts (Cocogoose Pro Thin)

Design Principles


Due to the wide assortment and very detailed design on brand’s own products the visuals should be more rather simple and minimalistic. Details used on product packages can be bring out on other designs:

  • random color spots
  • “brushed” lines
  • fruit illustrations

Follow the main design principles and colors when using patterns and elements.

Use smoothe and round elements and avoid sharp corners if possible.

patter 4
pattern 2


source of fiber
High in vitamin C
gluten free
best fruits
high on iron
gluten free

Social Media

Brand social media visuals and marketing activity should carry the same values as the brand in general – to be cheerful, colorful, respectful and close to nature, emphasis on the message, not on too many details.

Graphic design altenate with pictures gives an opportunity highlight the brand values and message. Content must be authentic and emotion-oriented. Avoid direct sales and heavily promoted shopping messages. Organic content should be more oppressive to feelings, include tricks and recommendations, recipe ideas and reminders, be educational. Direct sales messages on social media should rather be placed to advertising content and/or email marketing.